A Personal Statement
In this world so filled with stress and turmoil, music can be a way to feel joy and peace. I am freely sharing this music with you so you too can experience the uplifting power of music. As music lifts us to a higher sphere, it can also help us feel closer to God, and whatever your religious beliefs may be, I fully support religious freedom for you and every individual to "worship how, where, or what they may."(1)
For me, music can also be a way to feel a closeness to the ultimate source of peace, our Savior, Jesus Christ. I testify that He lives, and I love Him. He is the center of my life and beliefs, and I invite you to learn more about Jesus Christ at a free website which also has answers to questions many people have about the purpose of their life such as: "Where did I come from?" "What is my purpose here?" "What happens when I die?" and "Will I see my family again?"
I've been blessed with much. I have a loving husband and four wonderful daughters. My family is what matters most to me. To discover more about your own family history, visit the free family history website - FamilySearch. Dedicated to connecting families across generations, FamilySearch.org provides more than 11.9 billion searchable names in historical records from countries all over the world.
I hope you enjoy this website and that music brings as much peace and joy into your life as it has in mine.
Warmest regards,
Robin Deverich